These are the symbols you will encounter and a brief explanation:

Main menu symbols

home_na.png Home screen and overview

Choose your "Parcours" - Educators may create "Parcours" in this section.

profile_na.png All users can edit personal profiles here.
reporting_na.png View the progress in the parcours you have subscribed to.
social_na.png Join groups and send messages to other users.
admin_na.png Users with administration rights can make adjustments here.

Parcours specific symbols

description.png Find the most important information about a parcours here.
module.png The core elements of a parcours may be found here.
document.png Find documents (such as handouts) in this section.
notebook.png Write your personal notes about this activity here. These notes cannot be seen by other users.
chat.png Chat with other users of this parcours.
forum.png Find out about the activities of others or share your own learning parcours here. Leave comments, notes or questions in this part of the platform. All users may access this area of the platform.
dropbox.png Upload files and share them with other users.
announcement.png See if there are announcements by trainers or course administrators in a parcours.
link.png Interesting links.
mediabox.png Up- or download pictures or media-files that belong to a parcours.
user.png See which other subscribers of this activity are online.
wiki.png Additional brief information needed? Add/find it here.